Somewhat recently, the Oracle of Omaha Warren Buffett was forced to finally admit that he was not well-connected to the tech boom to fully profit from that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He just didn’t get it.
Many of the discussions relative to current day economics, business, history, cryptocurrency are quite often constrained by the perspectives of the participants. Younger participants are more attuned to the world into which they have grown and are now currently immersed, giving them a valuable basis to relate to those in the generations of those coming behind us. However, without the benefit of living history, and, the historical perspectives that might be missed by that younger generation, this forward view alone clearly misses the boat. Quite often the wisdom of eyes on events long gone must be weaved in to either emphasize, balance, or, at times, dismiss that view entirely. And, vice versa.
This father and son pair are using their own personal understandings, successes, failures, and, understandings, both mutual and distinctively different, to impart their spin on the news and events of the day. Many elements flowing through our media streams each and every day are leaving a few loose ends that require a bit of further understanding and crucial context.
Join us as we begin our journeys into many pertinent topics of the day, from our distinctively different generational spectrums, doing our best to meet in the middle.